Former ESF kindergarten staff charged with bribery - RTHK
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Former ESF kindergarten staff charged with bribery

2022-06-08 HKT 17:28
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  • The ICAC charged a former ESF kindergarten staff for allegedly taking bribe over student admissions. File photo: RTHK
    The ICAC charged a former ESF kindergarten staff for allegedly taking bribe over student admissions. File photo: RTHK
The ICAC on Wednesday charged a former staff at an English Schools Foundation (ESF) kindergarten for allegedly taking over HK$900,000 in bribes from parents for 13 children to be admitted to its K1 classes.

Fatima Rumjahn, 52, is due to appear in Shatin Court on Friday over 13 charges.

She had been working for Wu Kai Sha International Kindergarten for three school years since 2019.

Ten parents from eight families are also charged, each of them having allegedly paid between HK$20,000 and HK$100,000 in bribes.

The ICAC said a parent rejected a bribery solicitation on the spot.

The graftbuster said its investigation stemmed from a corruption complaint, and that ESF has provided its full assistance during its probe.

Former ESF kindergarten staff charged with bribery