Schools can handle hair issues professionally: govt - RTHK
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Schools can handle hair issues professionally: govt

2022-07-20 HKT 13:07
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  • Schools can handle hair issues professionally: govt
Education Secretary Christine Choi on Wednesday said schools can professionally handle matters relating to male students who want to have their hair long, after a pupil filed a complaint with the equality watchdog.

The form five student said on social media that getting an unwanted haircut was the only way to avoid being suspended by the school.

The student has taken the matter to the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), questioning whether the school violated the Sex Discrimination Ordinance and ignored issues relating to gender dysphoria.

The teen also argues that boys having long hair would not necessarily undermine a school's reputation, adding that the EOC will investigate or mediate in the dispute.

Asked about the matter, Choi said schools can handle such issues professionally.

"I used to be a teacher too. We know every school has its own culture. Apart from teaching students knowledge and skills, it's important to nurture [the correct] attitude and values. So schools have their own rules for values education and cultivating ethos," she said.

Choi said schools have been given clear guidelines on setting their own rules and they can deal with such matters in a professional manner.

Meanwhile, the school involved, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College, said its principal was in talks with the EOC.

In response to an RTHK enquiry, the EOC said it adheres to the principle of confidentiality and therefore will not disclose whether it has received particular enquiries or complaints, or their relevant details.

Last updated: 2022-07-21 HKT 11:10

Schools can handle hair issues professionally: govt