Elderly Covid patients urged to receive medical care - RTHK
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Elderly Covid patients urged to receive medical care

2022-09-03 HKT 18:20
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Health authorities on Saturday called on elderly Covid patients to receive medical treatment even if they experienced mild or no symptoms at all.

The appeal came as the city logged 10,426 new coronavirus infections for the day, of which 204 were imported.

Officials said 2,739 patients are being treated at public hospitals, including 16 who are in intensive care.

There were another seven Covid-related deaths reported, including a 77-year-old man.

A chief manager of the Hospital Authority, Lau Ka-hin, said officials were told by the patient's daughter that her father only had mild symptoms and did not need medical treatment.

The 77-year-old's condition later worsened and he died two days ago.

Lau noted that some patients were reluctant to receive care, as he again urged the elderly to seek medical help if they caught the virus.

"Very often the patient or the family member might think the condition is mild and the patient's doing fine. In that case, we may refer the patient to either our designated clinic or teleconsultation. Even when we made the suggestion, the patient or family member might not take it up, or even if they do seek consultation, they may not take the oral medication," he said.

"For patients aged 60 or above, with no symptoms or mild symptoms, they need to take the Covid-19 medication."

In response to government pandemic adviser David Hui's remarks that he expects Covid cases to peak later this month, the Centre for Health Protection's Albert Au said infection numbers will remain at a high level for the time being.

"We don't see the situation peaking yet. We think that there's still an upward trend. As to when it will actually peak, we cannot really say for sure. Of course, we don't want to see the epidemic worsening further," Au said, adding that those who haven't been fully vaccinated should not wait for a new Covid vaccine targeting the Omicron variant.

Asked if he had earlier been infected, Au said it's not appropriate for him to comment on his personal situation.

General Covid-19 situation: https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/
Community Clinics for Covid-19 patients: https://bit.ly/3a4BZFE
RAT reporting platform: https://www.chp.gov.hk/ratp/
Vaccination programme: https://www.covidvaccine.gov.hk/sen/
Vaccination pass scheme: https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/vaccine-pass.html
Hotline for Covid-positive patients: 1836 115

Elderly Covid patients urged to receive medical care