Govt should do more to lure talent: Bernard Chan - RTHK
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Govt should do more to lure talent: Bernard Chan

2022-10-27 HKT 16:14
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  • Bernard Chan says Hong Kong remains attractive with numerous advantages and opportunities.
    Bernard Chan says Hong Kong remains attractive with numerous advantages and opportunities.
The former convenor of the Executive Council, Bernard Chan, on Thursday called on the government to do more to attract talent, saying the city is currently stuck in a “bottleneck” as a result of the 2019 social unrest and Covid pandemic.

Speaking at a forum organised by the Our Hong Kong Foundation, Chan said the government has done the right thing by announcing that Hong Kong is in a quest for high-skilled workers.

"Whether [the relevant policies] are attractive... I don't know. But the fact that we are sending one message to the world – that we need good people to come – that already is a change, because we never did that in the past," he said.

Chan, who’s also the think-tank's executive vice-chairman, said the government’s new measures aimed at facilitating talent to come to Hong Kong will make the relocation process easier, as people used to face a lot of bureaucratic hurdles when they tried to move here.

The delegate to the National People's Congress added that the government can do even more by, for example, attracting high-calibre workers from the Greater Bay Area, nothing an over-supply of graduates on the mainland.

Chan said Hong Kong remains attractive with numerous advantages and opportunities, and the community as a whole should help promote the SAR to the outside world.

Govt should do more to lure talent: Bernard Chan