Officials remove two withered trees in Mong Kok - RTHK
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Officials remove two withered trees in Mong Kok

2022-11-22 HKT 16:21
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  • Two primavera trees have been removed from Sai Yee Street Garden. Photo Courtesy of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
    Two primavera trees have been removed from Sai Yee Street Garden. Photo Courtesy of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Another two withered primavera trees at Sai Yee Street Garden have been removed by the authorities, leaving only one such tree left on the authorities' Old and Valuable Trees list.

A spokesman for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) said the two trees, which were six and seven metres tall respectively, were removed for the sake of public safety as they were withered and could potentially have collapsed.

The department stressed that it had consulted Yau Tsim Mong District Council about the removal of the trees, adding that no objection was received.

The two trees had shown signs of deterioration since 2015, the LCSD said, adding that enhanced maintenance and regular inspections were carried out but attempts to improve the health of the trees were in vain.

The spokesman said the department will “continue to adopt a prudent approach in inspecting and managing trees under its care,” emphasising that removal is the last resort.

“Removal of problematic trees will be undertaken only when no other viable risk mitigation measure is available”, the spokesman said.

The department removed another primavera tree in the same garden two years ago. Two golden trumpet trees are to be planted there instead.

Officials remove two withered trees in Mong Kok