Bishop Stephen Chow to visit Beijing next month - RTHK
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Bishop Stephen Chow to visit Beijing next month

2023-03-09 HKT 16:27
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  • Bishop Stephen Chow will travel to Beijing next month. File photo: RTHK
    Bishop Stephen Chow will travel to Beijing next month. File photo: RTHK
The bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, Stephen Chow, will visit Beijing for five days from April 17, at the invitation of his counterpart in the capital.

A statement released by the Hong Kong diocese on Thursday said Bishop Joseph Li of the diocese of Beijing sent the invitation sometime last year, and it was accepted towards the end of last year “in the spirit of brotherhood in the Lord”.

Chow will be travelling with Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Ha and the vicar general, Father Peter Choy.

The statement quoted Chow as saying they hope the trip will promote exchanges and interaction between the two dioceses.

Bishop Stephen Chow to visit Beijing next month