Relax drone laws for building inspections, says HKIE - RTHK
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Relax drone laws for building inspections, says HKIE

2023-08-17 HKT 09:24
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  • A senior member of the Institution of Engineers said if the government were to relax the law on the use of drones, there would have to be regulations. Photo: Shutterstock
    A senior member of the Institution of Engineers said if the government were to relax the law on the use of drones, there would have to be regulations. Photo: Shutterstock
Tony Za
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) on Thursday said it hoped the government could relax drone laws so they could be used for work purposes in urban areas.

Tony Za, from the HKIE's building division, said using drones and big data to map buildings would reduce inspection time and costs by up to 50 percent. He was commenting on a recent spate of incidents of people being injured by falling masonry from old buildings.

Za said he understood the need for drone restrictions but that an exception could be made.

"I think the regulation to control the use of drones is necessary because we need to protect the public," Za said.

"But I think if we are using the drone not for entertainment, not for the activities, not for the games but for the inspection, maybe the government could grant some relaxation in using drones in the urban areas."

But Za said if the government were to relax the law, there would have to be rules and regulations.

Relax drone laws for building inspections, says HKIE