Shek O residents head out to stock up after reopening - RTHK
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Shek O residents head out to stock up after reopening

2023-09-10 HKT 14:53
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  • Shek O residents head out to stock up after reopening
  • Shek O residents are eager to head out to the city to stock up on supplies after their village was cut off from the rest of Hong Kong over the past two days. Photo: RTHK
    Shek O residents are eager to head out to the city to stock up on supplies after their village was cut off from the rest of Hong Kong over the past two days. Photo: RTHK
Shek O residents rushed out to the city to get supplies on Sunday, after public transport resumed following emergency repair works.

Shek O Road was closed off to traffic for the past two days due to landslides and subsidence triggered by what authorities called a “once in 500 years” storm last week.

A resident, surnamed Tang, said he was desperate to stock up because he'd run out of food.

"We have to go out and buy supplies today, because we've been stuck here for a few days. We are running out of food like eggs and vegetables," he told RTHK.

Another resident, surnamed Lau, said things could’ve been a lot worse if authorities hadn’t provided them with any supplies.

"Luckily there was no flooding at my home. The government has provided noodles, water and some snacks for us. [But still] I have to go out for food and daily necessities," she said.

A grocery store owner told RTHK that his village had been badly battered by the record rainfall as well as Typhoon Saola earlier this month, and it will take some time to complete the repair and maintenance works.

The government, meanwhile, reminded motorists to be extra cautious while driving along Shek O Road, saying one-lane two-way traffic is still in place for some sections of the road.

Shek O residents head out to stock up after reopening