Govt slams US legislation targeting officials, judges - RTHK
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Govt slams US legislation targeting officials, judges

2023-11-03 HKT 13:42
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  • Secretary for Justice Paul Lam is among 49 Hong Kong officials and judges targeted in a proposed new US sanctions list. The SAR government condemns the proposed legislation, calling it 'political grandstanding rife with ill intentions'. File photo: RTHK
    Secretary for Justice Paul Lam is among 49 Hong Kong officials and judges targeted in a proposed new US sanctions list. The SAR government condemns the proposed legislation, calling it 'political grandstanding rife with ill intentions'. File photo: RTHK
Hong Kong on Friday said it "strongly condemns" proposed legislation in the United States that would impose sanctions on 49 SAR officials and judges tasked with safeguarding national security.

Among them are Secretary for Justice Paul Lam, Secretary General of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security Sonny Au, Police Commissioner Raymond Siu, Chief Justice Andrew Cheung, as well as a group of judges, magistrates and prosecutors.

The Hong Kong Sanctions Act was introduced by a bipartisan group of American lawmakers this week.

In a statement, the government said the national security law that took effect in 2020 has enabled the city to return to normality, and safeguarding national security is an internal matter for Hong Kong.

"However, those US politicians insist on turning a blind eye to all these facts, and even clamour for so-called 'sanctions' against the HKSAR personnel who dutifully safeguard national security. The HKSAR government strongly condemns their political grandstanding rife with ill intentions, which have been seen through by all," a government spokesman said.

"The HKSAR despises any so-called 'sanctions' and shall never be intimidated. It shall continue to resolutely discharge the responsibility of safeguarding national security."

The spokesman added that the SAR government strongly urges US politicians to "discern facts from fallacies" and immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong matters.

He added that Hong Kong authorities will continue to implement the national security law in a steadfast manner and will further improve the city's legal system to protect national security.

The judiciary also criticised the move in the US.

In a statement, it said any attempt to put improper pressure on judges and judicial officers (JJOs) "is a flagrant and direct affront to the rule of law and judicial independence in Hong Kong, as well as to the JJOs."

The statement added, "The Judiciary reiterates that the JJOs cannot control what cases are brought before them but once a case is brought before the court, it must be dealt with by the court strictly in accordance with law. All JJOs exercise judicial power independently, and will continue to abide by the Judicial Oath and firmly discharge their duty in the administration of justice without fear from intimidation."

The Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong also voiced its strong opposition, demanding that American politicians stop interfering in the SAR's affairs.

The Hong Kong Bar Association, meanwhile, said it condemns "in the strongest terms" any attempts to impose sanctions on Hong Kong judges, judicial officers and legal practitioners.

"These amount to an improper interference with the administration of justice in Hong Kong and its independent judiciary. These indeed go against the very spirit of the rule of law," it said in a statement.

"The [Bar Association] is justifiably confident that Hong Kong judges have always and will continue to operate independently and apolitically."

The proposed sanctions also drew strong condemnation from the Law Society of Hong Kong.

"Any attempt to exert pressure by the implementation of sanctions against a judge, a prosecutor or a government official due to the type of cases that he or she is assigned to handle or the statutory role that he or she has to perform is an affront to the rule of law and judicial, prosecutorial and governance integrity," the society said.

Chief Executive John Lee, Chief Secretary Eric Chan as well as Secretary for Security Chris Tang are among Hong Kong officials who are already subject to US sanctions and visa restrictions.
Last updated: 2023-11-03 HKT 19:53

Govt slams US legislation targeting officials, judges