Vote and pick the right person for your district: CE - RTHK
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Vote and pick the right person for your district: CE

2023-11-21 HKT 11:37
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  • Vote and pick the right person for your district: CE
Chief Executive John Lee on Tuesday appealed to people to cast their ballots in the district council polls next month, saying electioneering activities are now running at full steam.

Speaking ahead of the weekly Executive Council meeting, Lee said he’s been seeing promotional banners everywhere, and candidates out and about garnering support.

He said under the reformed and improved electoral system, candidates are now engaged in a healthy competition by improving their performance, rather than putting on “political shows”.

"I think the merit of the new district council election is seen both in the election process, as well as the final delivery of outcomes by the actual running and conduction of the improved running of the district council meetings," he said.

"We will have expectations of district councils' performance, and there will be a process, not just by the public to monitor their performance, but of course, the system itself will have a monitoring system so that the elected district council members will conduct their duties dutifully."

The CE called on voters, in particular civil servants who have a duty to support and execute the government’s policies, to cast their ballots on December 10.

"I encourage all citizens, all voters, to come out to vote on that day because you all live in one of the 18 districts, and these 18 districts are our home," he said.

"We all want to make this home a better place to live in, so your participation will ensure that you will produce the right district council members to help you build that home district."

Vote and pick the right person for your district: CE