Man charged with sedition over shirt worn in public - RTHK
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Man charged with sedition over shirt worn in public

2023-11-29 HKT 16:41
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  • National security police say officers received a report on Monday that a man was wearing a shirt with seditious wording on it. File photo: RTHK
    National security police say officers received a report on Monday that a man was wearing a shirt with seditious wording on it. File photo: RTHK
National security police said they have charged a man with sedition over a shirt he allegedly wore in public on Monday.

Officers said they received a report that a man was wearing a shirt with seditious wording on it at the airport.

The force said flags and clothing were seized, along with an ID card relating to another person.

The suspect, 26, appeared at West Kowloon Magistracy on Wednesday afternoon charged with "doing an act or acts with seditious intention", "possessing seditious publications" and "possessing a Hong Kong identity card related to another person".

Man charged with sedition over shirt worn in public