Stocks make debut via new digital platform FINI - RTHK
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Stocks make debut via new digital platform FINI

2023-12-05 HKT 16:47
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  • The new companies being listed are K Cash, Sino-Synergy Hydrogen Energy Technology Corporation, and Shenghui Cleanness Group Holdings Limited. Photo: RTHK
    The new companies being listed are K Cash, Sino-Synergy Hydrogen Energy Technology Corporation, and Shenghui Cleanness Group Holdings Limited. Photo: RTHK
Three companies made their debut on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) via the newly-launched Fast Interface for New Issuance (FINI) platform on Tuesday.

They are the first batch of initial public offerings issued through the new digitalised IPO settlement platform, which was introduced last month as part of efforts to reboot the city’s new listings market.

The three companies are K Cash, Sino-Synergy Hydrogen Energy Technology Corporation, and Shenghui Cleanness Group Holdings Limited.

HKEX’s chief executive officer, Nicolas Aguzin, said he’s very pleased with the new listings, adding that FINI provides a very efficient clearing process that brings convenience and greater certainty to issuers, investors and market participants.

Aguzin said he looks forward to strengthening collaboration with stakeholders to modernise the local financial market infrastructure and enhance the city's competitiveness.

Stocks make debut via new digital platform FINI