C919 fans feel pride, excitement after flight demo - RTHK
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C919 fans feel pride, excitement after flight demo

2023-12-16 HKT 14:02
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  • C919 fans feel pride, excitement after flight demo
  • Plane spotters hoping to catch a glimpse of the C919 were out early to get the best position along the waterfront. Photo: RTHK
    Plane spotters hoping to catch a glimpse of the C919 were out early to get the best position along the waterfront. Photo: RTHK
Fans of the C919 aircraft on Saturday said they were thrilled by the low-altitude flight demonstration over Victoria Harbour, with some saying they were proud to see the first commercial plane manufactured on the mainland in action.

The aircraft made two passes over Victoria Harbour. The first time it flew at an altitude of 1,500ft, and the second time, at 1,000ft.

A man surnamed Chau said he arrived at the Tsim Sha Tsui harbourfront an hour before the fly-past.

"I am proud. This is a mainland-made plane and I'm very excited," he said.

"I've arrived early to witness its dashing appearance."

Also on the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront were two 12-year old kids who were trying to catch a glimpse of the C919.

One of them said he was sad to have missed the opportunity to board the plane.

"I took photos of that plane, [but] I could not visit the plane. I'm a little bit disappointed because I could not get on the plane."

Another spectator, surnamed Fohr, who was also on the waterfront said he was lucky to have witnessed the fly-past. He said people would've been able to see it more clearly if it had flown even lower.

"I saw the plane and it looked a little bit different than other planes... but it was quite far away."

The event also proved to be a photographer's delight.

A man surnamed Choi said he took many photos of the plane and that he and many others had thoroughly enjoyed the demonstration.

"Many people came to watch and take photos of the plane, there were mainlanders who came to watch it, there were also local people and many students too," he said.

C919 fans feel pride, excitement after flight demo