'Article 23 laws won't lower conviction threshold' - RTHK
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'Article 23 laws won't lower conviction threshold'

2024-01-31 HKT 20:01
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  • Horace Cheung says the authorities proposed new national security laws based on Hong Kong's situation. Photo: RTHK
    Horace Cheung says the authorities proposed new national security laws based on Hong Kong's situation. Photo: RTHK
Deputy Secretary for Justice Horace Cheung on Wednesday said the introduction of new offences under Article 23 national security legislation does not mean people would be convicted more easily in future.

Speaking after holding a number of sessions explaining the proposed legislation to local deputies to the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, as well as members of the financial and media sectors, Cheung said the government's proposals were not aimed at lowering the conviction threshold.

He said the authorities proposed the new laws in accordance with the National Security Law and Hong Kong's situation.

"Our legal system and enforcement mechanisms should safeguard national security. We considered Hong Kong's actual situation, including acts in 2019 during Hong Kong's version of colour revolution," he said.

"The legislation will deal with the national security risks Hong Kong is facing now or those the city will face in the future."

The public consultation period for Article 23 legislation will last until February 28.

'Article 23 laws won't lower conviction threshold'