Xia Baolong says Beijing always supports Hong Kong: CE - RTHK
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Xia Baolong says Beijing always supports Hong Kong: CE

2024-02-28 HKT 15:46
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  • Xia Baolong says Beijing always supports Hong Kong: CE
Beijing's top official on Hong Kong affairs has stressed the central government's continuous support for the city while promising more "preferential policies" to come, Chief Executive John Lee said on Wednesday.

The director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, Xia Baolong, wrapped up a seven-day inspection trip to the SAR with a visit to Beijing's liaison office, before leaving the city via Shenzhen Bay Port.

Chief Executive John Lee, who was at the border crossing to see Xia off, said the senior mainland official outlined "three main points" regarding Hong Kong's economic development – his recognition of the government's work, the need to boost people's confidence, and Beijing's full support for the territory.

"Director Xia used facts and data to prove Hong Kong's strong core competitiveness, and its strength and ability in moving towards a better future, pointing out that Hong Kong's development prospects 'would not be easily badmouthed by anyone'," Lee said.

"[He stressed that] the support from the central government to Hong Kong is concrete and continuous."

Lee quoted Xia as saying there will be more "preferential policies" for Hong Kong, on top of the recent announcement that residents of Qingdao and Xi'an will soon be able to visit the SAR on an individual basis.

The CE pledged to get Hong Kong ready to welcome tourists from the two cities.

“From March 31, Cathay Pacific will increase its flight capacity to and from Xi'an and Qingdao... The Transport and Logistics Bureau and the Airport Authority will also talk to other air carriers to continue to push for more flights," he said.

Xia also made clear "three main points" on municipal-level work, the CE said, these being that he affirms the work of district representatives, that they should work hard, and that district councils should discharge their duties to assist the government and serve the public.

Xia Baolong says Beijing always supports Hong Kong: CE