Man charged over 'seditious' bus seat graffiti - RTHK
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Man charged over 'seditious' bus seat graffiti

2024-06-25 HKT 14:53
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  • The 29-year-old man was arrested on Sunday. File photo: RTHK
    The 29-year-old man was arrested on Sunday. File photo: RTHK
National security police on Tuesday charged a man with writing words with seditious intention on the back of bus seats.

Police said the writing, found on public buses in March and April, provoked hatred towards the central authorities and the SAR government.

The 29-year-old was arrested on Sunday on suspicion of "doing with a seditious intention an act or acts that had a seditious intention", contravening Section 24 of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.

He was also charged with destroying or damaging property.

Man charged over 'seditious' bus seat graffiti