Pigeon feeders to be hit with instant fine from Sunday - RTHK
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Pigeon feeders to be hit with instant fine from Sunday

2024-09-01 HKT 11:36
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  • The AFCD said people will no longer get verbal warnings for feeding wild pigeons. File photo: RTHK
    The AFCD said people will no longer get verbal warnings for feeding wild pigeons. File photo: RTHK
Authorities said people who're caught feeding wild pigeons will no longer get any verbal warning and will instead face immediate, on-the-spot fines of HK$5,000.

In a statement, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said pigeon feeders will face instant enforcement measures, after an amendment to Hong Kong's wildlife protection law came into effect.

"The Amendment Ordinance has already been in effect for a month," a government spokesperson said.

"Enforcement officers will take immediate enforcement action without prior verbal warnings upon discovering any person who is found to be illegally feeding wild animals or feral pigeons."

Under the changes approved by the Legislative Council in May, the maximum penalty for feeding wild animals has also been raised to a one-year prison term and a fine of HK$100,000.

The AFCD noted that officers will step up patrols across the territory, and work closely with other department to conduct joint enforcement operations.

Pigeon feeders to be hit with instant fine from Sunday