Govt condemns Jimmy Lai's legal team for smearing NSL - RTHK
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Govt condemns Jimmy Lai's legal team for smearing NSL

2024-09-13 HKT 23:04
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  • The government has condemned Jimmy Lai and his son's legal team for smearing the national security law. File photo: RTHK
    The government has condemned Jimmy Lai and his son's legal team for smearing the national security law. File photo: RTHK
The government on Friday strongly disapproved "scandalising" remarks from Jimmy Lai's international legal team and his son, Sebastian, regarding the national security law and Hong Kong's judicial system.

In a statement, the SAR government also opposed their abuse of United Nations mechanisms by soliciting the special rapporteur on torture to interfere in the former media tycoon's national security case.

"Any attempt by any country, organisation, or individual to interfere with the judicial proceedings in the HKSAR by means of political power, in order to procure a defendant's evasion of the criminal justice process, is a blatant act undermining the rule of law of Hong Kong and should be condemned," a government spokesman said.

He added that the Correctional Services Department is committed to ensuring a safe and humane custodial environment for persons in custody, and has put in place established mechanism to safeguard their rights.

"If inmates require further examination and treatment, they will be referred to specialist medical staff or to public hospitals for further follow-up," according to the statement.

The spokesman added that the department adopts the same arrangements for every inmate, and any accusation about Lai not receiving appropriate treatment in remand "cannot be further from the truth".

Govt condemns Jimmy Lai's legal team for smearing NSL