Police on Thursday said a Hongkonger who was rescued after being trapped in Southeast Asia was forced to work 17 hours a day and beaten for not meeting targets.
Officers said the victim, 25, was lured by a social media job advertisement offering HK$120,000 to transport diamonds from Thailand to Taiwan.
After arriving in Bangkok last October, he was taken to Myanmar and held in a mountain compound guarded by armed men.
Lau Ho-tak, a chief inspector with the force, said the victim was forced to conduct online scams on social media.
"Over the past three months, the victim was repeatedly beaten and denied meals because he failed to meet the fraud targets set by management staff at the compound. There are still visible injuries on his body," he said.
Police did not disclose whether the victim's family paid ransom in this case.
Officers added that they are still in contact with some of the remaining 11 Hongkongers held captive in Southeast Asia and are trying all means to rescue them.
The force warned members of the public to stay vigilant against overseas job offers that promise high salaries without requiring professional skills.