Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) is launching a new season of the series "The Nitty Gritty of Law" with the Law Society next month to explore different legal issues with experts in the field.
RTHK assistant director Vincent Lee told a launch ceremony on Monday that the inaugural season of the programme, which was solely in audio form, had been well-received.
He said the coming season will also be aired on television and online platforms, while introducing a radio drama to promote legal knowledge.
Roden Tong, the president of the Law Society, said he hopes audiences can learn more about the law through the programme.
The programme, which has 16 episodes, will be aired on Sundays with the first episode launching on February 2.
The episodes will first be aired from 12.15pm to 1pm on RTHK Radio 1, before being broadcast on RTHK TV 31 on 7pm. They are also available on RTHK's website and mobile app.
Legal experts, such as former secretary for justice Elsie Leung and a number of ex-Law Society heads, will be invited to the show to discuss various legal topics, such as family law, criminal law, and intellectual property.