CE hails historic day as NSL takes effect - RTHK
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CE hails historic day as NSL takes effect

2024-03-23 HKT 20:21
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  • CE hails historic day as NSL takes effect
Chief Executive John Lee hailed Saturday as a ‘historic day’ in which Hong Kong finally fulfilled its constitutional obligation to enact national security legislation as stipulated by Article 23 of the Basic Law.

In an address to the Hong Kong Federation of Guangzhou Associations (HKFGA), the CE noted that the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance was gazetted and formally took effect on Saturday.

He said this was a proud day for Hong Kong, as it can now better safeguard national security.

The city can now, he said, focus on economic development and to take steps to improve people’s livelihoods.

The CE’s office also released a video recapping the legislative process.

CE hails historic day as NSL takes effect