News Programme | Tech Tuesday(2024-07-09) - RTHK
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Tech Tuesday
Tech Tuesday
RTHK's podcast on the latest tech news
Elvis Yu and Raj Shroff

New procedure makes prosthetic limb move like real leg, Call for HK's own AI models for legal use, Is AI manager a wise move or blunder?

MIT researchers have developed a groundbreaking technology that could change the lives of people with amputated legs. 

Using neural interfaces, they have created a way to connect the brain to prosthetic limbs, allowing users to control them with their thoughts. 

So how does it work and what are its limitations? Listen to Raj’s take on the topic.

You'll also hear how an AI manager helped improve the relationship between a marketing director and his staff at a Canadian company, as well as some legal experts’ opinion about the potential use of AI in Hong Kong's legal industry. 

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New procedure makes prosthetic limb move like real leg, Call for HK's own AI models for legal use, Is AI manager a wise move or blunder?