News Programme | Tech Tuesday(2024-09-03) - RTHK
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Tech Tuesday
Tech Tuesday
RTHK's podcast on the latest tech news
Elvis Yu and Raj Shroff

Machine learning to slow Parkinson's disease progression, AI used as investment advisor, Would new Austrailia's "don't disturb" law work?

Researchers in the United States are developing a new treatment which promises to significantly improve the condition of people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. 
The research team uses machine learning to understand how patients' brains deteriorate over time, and try to counter the pace at which the disease progresses by using electrical signals to stimulate the organ. 

Study participants reportedly displayed fewer side effects, such as shaking hands or body tremors. So, how does this groundbreaking technology really work, and how safe is it?  Listen to AI consultant Raj’s take on the issue.

You'll also hear how generative AI could be used as your investment advisor, as well as a new law in Australia that gives employees the right to ignore work calls or messages after they’ve clocked out.

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Machine learning to slow Parkinson's disease progression, AI used as investment advisor, Would new Austrailia's "don't disturb" law work?