Hong Kong Today
RTHK's morning news programme. Weekdays 6:30 - 8:00
Janice Wong and Hailey Yip2024-05-14
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Selected audio segments:
Welfare chief clarifies comments on social work body

The Labour Secretary has denied making political statements about the Social Worker Registration Board and says he has a "clear understanding" of its operations. Chris Sun earlier said the governance of the statutory body must be improved because it approved licenses for people who had committed serious offences in the past. He stopped short of saying whether the government would appoint more members to the group. Damon Pang reports:
Sports rep's repeated mistakes deemed unacceptable

The culture, sports and tourism minister, Kevin Yeung, says it is unacceptable that repeated mistakes were made by the chairwoman of Hong Kong's weightlifting and powerlifting body. She has been accused of violating the 'One China' principle while making a speech last week. This came after she called Hong Kong a relatively small country in March. Frank Yung reports:
Govt calls for fair handling of alleged spy case

The government has demanded that Britain protect the rights and interests of the office manager of the SAR's Economic and Trade Office. It comes after London's Metropolitan Police said three men had been charged with allegedly assisting Hong Kong intelligence services and with foreign interference. Jacqueline Guico reports:
Hotel and retail welcome expansion of visit scheme

Hong Kong's retail and hotel sectors have welcomed the decision to add eight more mainland cities to the individual visit scheme. As Chloe Feng reports, there are mixed views over whether direct flights from those cities will give the SAR an added advantage:
Tourism trade needs to be prepared for ethnic minorities

The DAB says the tourism industry should learn to be more accommodating to ethnic minority travellers. One of their lawmakers, Kennedy Wong, pointed out that the expansion of the individual visit scheme could mean more mainland visitors from ethnic minority communities coming to the SAR, such as Mongolians and Tibetans. He spoke to Kelly Yu:
Community living rooms planned for impoverished

The government says it hopes community living rooms in To Kwa Wan, Hung Hom and Nam Cheong will open by the end of summer. These facilities will provide support for grassroots families and are part of the government's efforts to help about 950,000 people who have been identified for targeted poverty alleviation. Kelly Yu reports:
Poverty line gives "clearer picture" of situation

A social welfare group says the government should keep the poverty line to better understand the situation in Hong Kong. Sze Lai-shan, deputy director of the Society for Community Organisation, was commenting after the government ruled out using median household income as the poverty line and instead identified 950,000 elderly people, single-parent households and subdivided flat tenants as most in need. Sze said household expenditure could be included in a poverty line to give a clearer picture. She also told Hailey Yip that she welcomed the community living rooms planned in three Kowloon districts:
Govt urged to clarify job-hopping rules

The government has been urged to clarify rules aimed at discouraging foreign domestic helpers from job hopping. As Anne Chan reports, the DAB also wants to limit the borrowing capacity of helpers:
Crackdown on unlicensed e-bikes and e-scooters

Police have arrested 34 people over the use of e-scooters. Officers said the suspects, aged between 19 and 69, were arrested for offences, including driving e-scooters without a licence and on sidewalks. Anne Chan reports:
Global prosperity summit to counter de-globalisation

Chief Executive John Lee says there is a need to talk about geopolitics as escalating trade tensions pose a growing threat to the world economy. He was speaking at the welcome dinner for the city's first Global Prosperity Summit. The three-day event has invited speakers from around the world to discuss issues such as technology and climate change. Exco convenor, Regina Ip, said Hong Kong - as an international city with well-connected business executives - was the ideal place to hold the forum. Her thinktank, the Savantas Policy Institute, is co-hosting the event, which Ip hopes will become annual one. She told Janice Wong about the importance of countering de-globalisation:
Xia Baolong meets Macau CE on inspection visit

Beijing’s person in charge of Hong Kong and Macau affairs, Xia Baolong, has begun a week-long inspection trip in Macau. Authorities there say Xia will learn about the latest developments of Macau society and its economy. Sean Kennedy reports:
US banks biggest financiers of fossil fuels

A report from climate campaigners has accused the world's biggest banks of continuing to finance fossil fuels to the tune of more than US$700 billion last year alone. Sean Kennedy reports:
Separatists lose ground in latest Catalan vote

Spain’s governing Socialist Party has won Catalonia’s regional parliamentary elections, breaking the majority enjoyed by pro-independence parties for more than a decade. The victory represents a vindication of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s bid to normalise relations with the restive region. Sanchez’s controversial policy has included handing out pardons for convictions over the failed breakaway bid in 2017, led by Carles Puigdemont, who is currently in self-imposed exile in France. RTHK's Europe correspondent, Gavin Grey, told Annemarie Evans about the results:
Google DeepMind unveils drug discovery AI model

Scientists are filled with anticipation this week as an improved AI model from Google Deepmind shows the potential to unlock the secrets of life and help develop new drugs for incurable diseases. The AI model, AlphaFold 3, is able to predict how different molecules in living organisms, such as proteins and DNA, interact with each other. Raj Shroff and Elvis Yu find out more in this week's Tech Tuesday: